Monday, 21 March 2016

"Yee Hah"

          Hello, I thought by starting my blog with a popular slogan used from the Television (TV) programme (Prog) I will write about would capture your attention and illicit images of the good old south in America. Or maybe even "Brokeback Mountain" but that is another story.

          I come from Generation Y (Google it). I will talk about a TV Prog me and the rest of my family used to watch every late Friday night religiously after the daily rosary (Catholicism).

          This was several years before surfing the net came out and as young kids, we would be outside climbing trees, scraping knees and even had the ability to walk to the local dairy (white owner) without having to worry about being snatched off the street by some sick person.

          Anyway, this TV Prog was called "The Dukes of Hazzard". An American made TV Prog on mainstream media  from the Warner Brothers studio. It starred an all White cast and it had a really cool Flame Red (Orange, just the colour name it was given) car called the General Lee (Slave Owner) with the number 01 on the side doors. Painted on the top of the roof of the V8 motor Dodge Charger 1969 was the confederate flag (Racists).

          I was a young kid wanting to be like either of the main characters (mainly the driver, blond blue eyed guy, souther white boy. Im just a kid at the time) driving around at top speeds, escaping from incompetent police officers and Boss Hogg (Comic relief).

           After reading Stuart Hall "The White In Their Eyes" and which I totally agree with, I realised that when they cast for the bad guys in the show. They were African American who wore street thug clothes and carried a Smith and Wesson revolver and who were only into robbing banks and unfortunately depicted also as the "white woman chaser". And how come the White guys gotta be the hero.

          Seeing this over the next several years as a young kid, I was thinking wow I got to have white friends and kind of made me feel a little bit disillusioned being a Polynesia kid and who I was. Now that I know what inferential racism is, I can see how the producers of media texts on mainstream media can shape peoples perceptions in thinking and behaving in a certain way.

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