Monday 28 March 2016

Bernie trumps Donald in the discussion on terrorism

After the most recent tragedy in Brussels, the quite explicitly racist Donald Trump, has once again blamed Muslims. Every single person out there identifying as Muslim, is most definitely to blame for this, for not reporting the incident before it happened. As if approximately 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide all know each other and are communicating and scheming right under Trumps nose.

In the past, following the September 11th terror attacks, he made statements stating there should be a ban on letting any Muslims into the United States of America. There should be a complete lockdown, until they could figure out “what was going on with them” and that it was “only going to get worse”.
Most recently, in an interview with ITV Britain he said, “I would say this to the Muslims, and in the United States also: When they see trouble, they have to report it, and they’re not reporting it. They’re absolutely not reporting it. And that’s a big problem.” Although from what I have read on various blogs and articles, this is not the case. In America, Muslim communities have been of great assistance to the Police in terrorism cases, providing any information they can. However, these facts don’t matter to Trump, because as far as he is concerned, all Muslim communities are collectively to blame for the acts of Islamic terrorists. 

This is a prime example of the ‘other’; all Muslims are guilty until proven innocent. Showing themes of Orientalism, as though all terrorist actions are typical of this vaguely Middle Eastern religion, and people believe him, which just confirms Trumps power through white political dominance. As he lumps a collective guilt onto an identity that his Eurocentric mind is not completely familiar with, and one he doesn’t care to educate himself on either.

Islamaphobia is on the rise in the United States, although, (as long as Trump is not elected) all hope is not lost! Trump believes stronger law enforcement of Muslims is what is needed, of both the Muslim communities currently living in America and those trying to enter. However in response to these statements, Bernie Sanders has said, “It would be unconstitutional, it would be wrong.” In a different interview, when asked his thoughts on Trump, he said, “That’s what demagoguery is about, it is to obfuscate the real problems facing our society and to find somebody you can blame.” He continued on to say, “We are fighting a terrorist organization, that is killing innocent people, we are not fighting a religion.”


1 comment:

  1. This was a really interesting read! I hadn't heard about this particular exchange betweent the presidential hopefuls. Berndog is so right. He's like a hot knife to the butter that is the Donald. I really see what you mean when you mention Trump's orientalist standpoint, it's kind of mark-of-the-plural-esque in how it generalises and stereotypes Muslim people and interpretations of Islam.


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