Monday 28 March 2016

Donald Trump's Demographic

Donald Trump’s demographic

 You can say what you like about Donald Trump being overtly racist or unfit for the position of President of United States and the lack of transparency of where he stands on major issues, excluding his ideas to do with immigration and minority ethnic groups.  But what I find is more interesting as an observer from the outside is his demographic, the people who travel state to state cheering him on as he bullies his Nazi like views and convey his ideas to the forefront of US politics. The people who listen as he eggs on violence and hatred in a attempt to control the minds of the naïve masses. These are the people that I see and these are the people that I have a problem with watching as they verbally abuse minorities during rallies and even lash out physically (during an exchange of political ideas by the way).  These are the people that I’m scared of and these are the people who so blindly followed the last Republican nominee.

I am of the mindset and come from a upbringing where I believe that anyone has the right to vote for whoever they see most fit for a position of leadership. However with the dominance of the two party platform in the United States it is understandable to see how racial radicals such as Trump can gain such a large following. These are the people who vote as their parents voted and as their parent’s parents voted. The type of people who have been told since birth to disregard people who are seen as weak or less powerful and who because of this tended to follow the less calculated and more impulsive.

 I believe that these radical ideas are facilitated by the fact that there is typically a complete contrast between a Democrat nominee and Republican nominee, for the most part they are polar opposites with diametrically opposed views. I believe that with the more liberal and progressive democrat nominees they have a positive influence on the United States society and therefore world relations however progress seems to be harmed by more and more conservative and radical counterparts.

 I believe that if Trump is to win their republican nominee he will be in charge of one of the least functional governments in US history



  1. Great comment! What scares me most about Trump isnt Trump. He just seems like your typical egomaniac with more money than sense. Whats really scary is his followers. People cheering him on with every crazy thing he says. I cannot wrap my mind around it??


  2. Hi Joshua,

    Pretty relevant, post. I still cannot get my head around how it is possible Trump and his supporters are a thing. Part of me is just waiting for him to take of his mask and tell the world that his campaign is all a joke, part of a large social experiment, and we can all relax our fears about a nuclear world war fueld by narcissism and psychopathy.

    Trumps campaign is definitely pulling the racists out of the woodwork. And it is fascinating and terrifying some of the hate, bigotry and overt racism that is tumultuously bursting over the internet discussion forms, online news outlets, and ofcourse, Fox News.

    I have an interesting addition to your post. Suzanne discussed racism in nations as somehting that can be thought of as "psychological projection." Projection and projective identificaiton are both defense mechanism that are fundamental in borderline and narcissitic personality formations. I believe Trump is an extreme narcissist. He definitely has a gradiose view of himself, and has fragile self esteem. Trump has to be perfect all the time, so he engages in projection. He denies anything lesser than perfect in himself and attacks others in what is obvious in himself. Trump is a liar, and contradicts himself more often than not, but he is the first to point out that "I never lie" and that his rivals are "the biggest liars." He has the vocabulary of a three year old.

    At any rate, Trumps racism and bigotry stem from his denial of aspects of his character and personality, and he rids himself of these by projecting them onto others and attacking them. “I have a great relationship with the blacks.

    I’ve always had a great relationship with the blacks,” Trump told Albany’s Talk 1300 in April 2011 as he mulled a run for the presidency at that time, which he did not ultimately pursue. He then goes on to say "I am the least racist person here." This contradicts his statement “I have black guys counting my money. … I hate it,” Trump told John R. O’Donnell, the former president of Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino, according O’Donnell’s account in his 1991 book “Trumped!” “The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes all day.”

    Its like Trump embodies racism in America, so ovbiously racist, yet riddled and blinded by denial and projection.


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