Tuesday 29 March 2016

White Way is the Right Way

As human beings we can be very self-centered even more so in the “you first” culture of today. Characteristics of humility, graciousness, respect and selflessness seem riddled with cobwebs and are often confused with weakness in mainstream Western culture.

Western white culture believes and breathes that success is measured in economic stature, self-gratification and self-fulfillment. I believe Western society has evolved and has reason to be proud of what they know and believe, however a ‘teaspoon full of sugar’ed humility sure would ‘go down’ well. The more I ask the question ‘if white is always right’, I see more cracks in the culture. Other cultures that value family time, community, working together to achieve goals, appreciation for what they have etc. perhaps have something to teach us. Generally, in these thing our modern society lack in comparison. Loosely so, Mankind can be equated to work like a body. All have different functions, strengths weaknesses, places/ regions we stick to, as do different body parts. However, the brain, (western culture – the dominant present culture) should be developed enough by now to see the value and necessity of an arm. That perhaps there’s different ways in which that body part works and can eg. ‘massage’ much better and more effectively than brain tissue. It sounds very ‘Miss America’ saying that when it comes down to it, everybody is the same really… However I notion that  each ethnicity and people group can play a different role in mankind, not differing in worth or value, but in position and strengths. So therefore id love to open up a discussion as to what you think perhaps you’ve learnt from other cultures and feel you personally, or our NZ western culture should learn from altering culture.

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