Friday 3 June 2016

The word 'Oriental' is outdated?

A Los Angeles Times post proclaims that the word 'Oriental' is outdated, and its use is "politically incorrect". Barrack Obama even signed a bill that prohibits the use of the term across all federal documents. The term 'Orient' is used to label those that come from the Orient or the East, and supposedly labelling origin should not be offensive, however it is when the term is used to make the orient seem exotic, and when these stereotypes circulate is when the term can be detrimental. 

Amongst Asians, the article states that despite the declining absence of the term 'Orient' several alternative terms still continue to be prevalent to discriminate, such as "Chink, slant eye, zipperhead etc." Such racial slurs existing within society is pernicious towards those discriminated against, and should therefore be abolished completely.

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