Monday 6 June 2016

Racism in Anime/Manga: ONE PIECE

One Piece, (currently) at 744 episodes, stared airing since 1999 (manga/comic began in 1997, by Eiichiro Oda)- running for 17years now, includes 13 movies, its own theme parks and museums… etc. (I can’t begin to describe how big this anime is) One piece is very popular nationally and internationally, just for perspective of how popular: Oda in 2015 won the Guinness World Record for "The most copies published for the same comic book series by a single author”, selling over 300 million copies worldwide!
This series follows the “Straw hat Pirate” crew in their adventure to complete their individual dreams, sailing to many different islands, completing many tasks and overcoming trouble (with other pirate crews or, “the justice” keepers, the Marines, they finally reach the halfway point of their adventure “The Red Line”. Just for this blog I will focus mainly on the anime (which is an adaption of the manga anyways) “The Sabaody Archipelago” arc and the “The Fishman Island” arc. These two arcs have really focused on the racism between “humans” and “Fishmen”, and even “human” verses “human” relationship, adapting real life events into the One Piece world, and revealing (what I believe) the irony/ reality of racism. 


Celestial Dragons-

the “Celestial Dragons” are what I would call “the extremists” and the “what-could-have-been-White-supremacy”. Watching the video, and imagine it in a real-life situation, how would you feel or react? The Celestial Dragons are “the World Nobles”, the descendants of a group of royalties that created “the World Government”- a political organisation that controls a huge military organisation “the Marines” to keep “peace” throughout the (One Piece) world. Of course this organisation is very corrupted in executing their definition of “justice”. The Celestial Dragons participate “The Human shop” trade- buying slaves, whether that be a child slave or Fishman slave, (as seen in the video) they treat the salves like animals- chaining them up and riding on them, killing their slaves as they please and buying more just “to add to their collection”. They wear a bubble around their heads because “they don’t want to breathe the same air as other lowly commoners”. They live in “Mariejois”, a place literary in the clouds, a heaven-like area with castle-like architecture. These correlations between The Celestial Dragons and White supremacy is uncanny; the situation with slavery, the superiority act, the idea that “they created civilisation”, the control of many countries around the world, the royalties in a castle, and the belief they are the superior race; through these similarities of the One Piece world and the real-world situations, I would say One Piece gives a perspective of how unjust and extreme racism would have become.


The collars use to “control” their slaves, if a slave runs away or misbehaves, are explosive on command and cause death on slave. They are symbols of being a slave and cannot be removed easily; forcing it open, “displeasing” their master, trying to remove the collar are all buttons that will initiate the explosion; wearing the collar is degrading, inferior, helpless… all the synonyms for “sad” is closely latched on to the slave once the collar is on their necks. The other symbol is “the claw of the dragon”, the symbol that gets branded on slaves brought by the Celestial Dragons, a scar that stays on the body forever (and a sort of tracking device to find runaway slaves). The girls in the video were slaves but were rescued, they later become very powerful people/ pirates and one of them even becomes queen of their home country; yet they still hold and hide those scars of weakness, of disgrace, it is a reminder of their traumatic past as slaves. To believe such powerful people were once treated as animals. And to mention that they were just human girls. Don’t these worn symbols remind you of a certain Holocaust?


In Sabaody Archipelago there runs an industry of buying and selling slaves, whether that be giants, humans or fishman -if it is in chains it can be sold. This “industry” is indeed quite disgusting, in the video the scene which the mermaid retorts but poking her tongue, she gets beaten up and looked down as “just a damn fish”, what was not in the video is that one of the workers says “She is an important item, if you hit her, her value will drop… if you’re to kick her, do it somewhere where her clothes will cover it, like her stomach”- this violence is so inhuman, the fact that they inflict violence “as long as it can be covered up”, and the greed to obtain the “highest value” for their “item” (not even labelling the mermaid as a living-being anymore); such racism, violence and greed is hard to swallow. What is further upsetting is that the slave industry even produces approximate prices for each “item”; prices depending of jobs the slave can do, what specialties/ tricks the can perform,  the height, age, weight and birth-place, and what “race” the slave is; items are further glorified with persuading intros and “packaging”; with the mermaid, she was placed into a fishbowl, had a band playing to her “entrance” and had lights shined on her- creating a spectacle and suspension to her auction; this further markets her as just a item/product. The huge contradiction and irony to the slave industry in Sabaody Archipelago is that it is illegal to perform auctions of slaves, illegal in capturing people into slavery, and illegal to own slaves in the One Piece World… essentially because the Celestial Dragons are there and participating in the trade, the “justice” Marines ignores the situation. Reflecting on the real-life slavery acts done in the past, the idea that Whites are commodifying Humans, and they do it as an act of prestige (the idea that “if it can afford a slave, I am rich and superior”)- slaves are used as labourers and decorations. And the fact that such trade was “acceptable” was the power colonisers/ Whites had over the minorities, and even if there were laws, it is usually biased towards the more powerful majority.

Burden of Representation -

The Sun Pirates are a crew Fishman. The founding of this crew was to help Fishman be free of slavery and fight for their own justice. Their sun mark was their jolly roger and a branded symbol to hide their “claw of the dragon”/ hiding the memories and label of being a slave. The Sun Pirates thus contains Fishman who are a mix of slave and non-slaves. As The Sun Pirates become more notorious for their “criminal actions” against the Marine, the “leaders” of the crew starts to have bounties- these bounties are delivered in newspapers around the world, this creates the burden of representation for Fishman as violent and destructive creatures. The (One Piece) world are believing of the “justice” Marines, so the fact The Sun Pirates are retorting against them, further defines Fishman as criminals, and trusting what newspapers and Marines say. In The Fishman Island Arc, the opposite is seen, Fishman view humans as kidnappers and criminals- as they kidnap mermaids and other Fishman to sell on land into slavery. Fishman see and experience these events in their own nation, leaving a bad impression of humans in Fishman Island. It is indeed the lack of knowledge, representation, and confrontation between the two “races” that has caused such a negative view against each other.

Why the racism? –

This scene is one of the most shocking scenes in One Piece (in my opinion). This scene is in the Fishman Island Arc, where the New Fishman Pirates try to overtake Fishman Island and continue to try rule “the above world” of humans. (as seen in the video) After many fights the Fukaboshi (blue hair merman) asks the Captain of the New Fishman Pirates, Hody, “Why?! why the deep hate for humans? What did humans do to you?”, and the shocking answer (sadly not on the video above, or on videos on YouTube) “nothing…”. Humans did nothing to Hody, yet he holds such a deep anger towards humans. Essentially Hody was brought up in an environment where he watched humans kidnapping his own kind, he watched (ironically) the pre-Sun Pirates “protecting” Fishman, by killing the humans”, and brought up with the teachings that “humans are weak and Fishman are the superior race”; Hody has internalized his surrounding racism against humans, and reproduced it into a more brutal and violent racism, that even effects Fishman who are “friendly” to humans and killed the Fishman Island’s Queen- for trying to unite humans and fishmen together.
in the above video shows the response to Hody’s empty racism; admitting to how the racism against humans were left to grow in Fishman Island into something as terrible as Hody and now “Fishman Island will be destroyed by its own grudge against humankind”; realising how Fishman has been brainwashed by all the negative events relating to humans, and creating baseless stereotypes, and marks of the plural against the (very) minority of humans/ pirates who are able to survive the travel down 10 thousand metre under the sea to reach Fishman Island; the creation of such racism was what was stopping a formation of a good relationship between races; the cycle of passing down of racism over many generations. All these elements of racism are what initiated the destruction of Fishman Island. The lack of knowledge between races, the passing down of racism, the lived experiences of racism, stereotypes and mark of the plurals… all the elements relates to real-life initiators of racism.


This scene is very touching. The conclusion as the protagonist Luffy (captain of the Straw-hats Pirates) is dying from loss of blood after fighting against Hody, his crew is begging Fishman for a blood donor; the law in Fishman Island is that it is illegal to give blood interracially; what’s sad is the hesitant reactions from the Fishman population, knowing it is illegal, yet knowing Luffy just save their lives and home, they all still hesitate to step up and save Luffy. Jinbei, the current Captain of the Sun Pirates, deem himself as an outlaw/ “pirate” so he doesn’t have to “obey” the law, volunteers to donate blood to Luffy and save him. Listen to the scene’s narration and visuals/ flashbacks, describes how the overall picture: this racism is just a way to hurt others that share the same blood, and through this transfusion will start a new relationship between humans and Fishman! The idea that Fishman and humans share the same blood, really spoke to me in the way that if in reality, racism is basically discrimination against ourselves as humans; yes, we look differently and our colour skin is different shades but we all share similar bloods (an element that is deeper than aesthetics).  And just a quote from Shakespeare’s “the Merchant of Venice” that relates to racsim being deeper than asthetics and that cycle of racsim: 
"He hath disgraced me, and
hindered me half a million; laughed at my losses,
mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my
bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine
enemies; and what's his reason? I am a Jew. Hath
not a Jew eyes? hath not a Jew hands, organs,
dimensions, senses, affections, passions? fed with
the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject
to the same diseases, healed by the same means,
warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as
a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed?
if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison
us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not
revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will
resemble you in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian,
what is his humility? Revenge. If a Christian
wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by
Christian example? Why, revenge. The villany you
teach me, I will execute, and it shall go hard but I
will better the instruction." (Act3,Sc1)

This concludes this blog of racism in anime One Piece. I would like to say I skipped lots of details just to summaries the main points. And I wouldn’t advertise to get people to watch it, since it’s 744+ episodes long, wasting 14880mins=248hrs=10.3days straight just to finish the anime show of its normal 20mins episodes (not including the hour long specials, films and OVAs). One Piece being such a successful anime and manga series around the world, it brings awareness to subjects like racism to countries as conservative as Japan, and allows people to imagine the “what ifs” if racism turned different route in history. A shorter anime recommendation from me, that touches on racism, “Black Bullet”- very sad and action filled anime (with a bit of gore).

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