Friday 10 June 2016

There is Feminism... and then Colored woman.

Feminism we all should be familiar with what Feminism is, we all should know that Feminism is to do with political views, ideologies and social movements that empowers woman, by standing from the point of view that Females should have equal rights as Males, right?
Does Feminism empower all females?
Or is it another white construct that dictates white authority?..

The first really diverse show that i was ever introduced to around the age of fourteen in 2008 was the show "The L word." I loved this series because at that time i never saw anything like it. I loved it because the cast was predominately female. Predominately WHITE females.
Everyone talks about "Orange is the New Black" and how this show breaks boundaries, I agree the show does break boundaries in the way that the cast is a even mix of white and colored characters. Whereas "The L Word" used a predominately White cast. "Orange is the New Black" and "The L word" are similar in the way that they both deal with the prevalent issue of Female empowerment through Lesbian relationships.
The question that i am trying to formulate is: Can colored Females identify with Feminism or does feminism in some way only cater to empowering white females?

White feminist woman complain"I don't make as much money as the Man" and colored woman are like "Well i don't make as much money as you." Just using this as an example to illustrate that Feminism allows for Woman to challenge dominant views of Men being more privileged in society, when white Females are more privileged than colored Females. So is Feminism really empowering all Females or is Feminism in someway racist in the way that it lacks inclusion of colored females situation within society?

Even in "Orange is the New Black" the main character is thus still white so really it stands from a white perspective in the way that the female perspective in the series is a white female perspective. Therefore everything within the series is positioned within the frame from a white perspective. I'm not saying that Colored Females can't identify with Feminism because obviously they identify because they are females BUT their is still a lack of understanding that colored woman are in fact are below the average white female. Colored females don't only have to feel inferior to men they also feel inferior in terms of color in terms of sexuality. So in my opinion Feminism does not even begin to empower colored females...

1 comment:

  1. This all comes under othering, for example many Islamic influenced radical groups would kill other Muslim people who do not necessarily share the same beliefs; and many Muslims from different cultural backgrounds would practice Islam differently through cultural influence. Orange is the new black comes under the same concept because of the culture that we live in, the show not only uncovers certain aspects of how women are treated due to race and male privilege but even reflects sexuality among transgender women where the main transgender character is treated badly by other women and by the people who once stood by her when she was a man (her church). Feminism within itself can be used as a simple entitlement, I do not completely agree with feminism because of the way that it is practiced; it is used as an entitlement nowadays. Feminism is not necessarily the only group for women's rights, many women reject feminist Ideologies and adopt religious ones instead for example. The question is not whether feminism works for colored people but whether feminism is enforcing women's rights or it is an entitlement for women who want to feel apart of a group that is exclusive, because many women tend to fight against each other to earn the same ranking of their male counter parts despite being feminists.


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