Saturday 11 June 2016

Is colonization a bad thing?

The lecture on Colonization got me thinking... Is Colonization in regards to where i come from a bad thing or a good thing?

Colonization is and has always been thought of as a negative ordeal, because of how it negatively impacted the loss of culture, the loss of land, and all the oppression that came with it.

However in this blog I want to question this. 

How would Samoa life be like if it wasn't for Colonization?
What would be different

For one thing, religion would be different in regards to Christianity and how Samoa's culture is built off of it, hence "Fa'avae i le Atua Samoa" meaning "Samoa is founded on God" This statement motto in Samoan is an indication of how Christianity is apart of Samoan culture. 
Christianity arrived in Samoa when the missionaries arrived on their shores. 
What would Samoa be like without Christianity? would we be better of or worse?

I guess i can't answer this question as I cannot imagine Christianity not being apart of Samoan Identity... because it is so embedded into their way of life. For example the way i was brought up i was never to question anything about God and i had to attend Sunday school and Church every Sunday even though I never really understood why. 

I don't know I guess what im trying to say is Colonization isn't all negative if you think about it in the right way because without Colonization would I be born here in New Zealand getting these opportunities that are available to me? or what kind of person would i be if Colonization didn't happen?

I'm not saying that Colonization is a positive thing, No! I just wanted to think about what would it be like if things (Colonization) didn't happen the way that it did?

1 comment:

  1. There will always be colonization one way or another, without colonization there will be no mix of cultures and no way of other cultures to communicate. Despite colonization being the reason for burden of representation and othering it does enforce a kind of social order where people can come together. Of course it is not perfect but as we studied war and taking things we don't have but crave is apart of human nature, without colonization through history the world would not evolve and there will be no such thing as mingling among other cultures.


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