Wednesday 8 June 2016

The Model Minority

The stereotype of Asians as smart and nerdy has been around for ages. From characters like Data in The Goonies, Harold in the Harold and Kumar films, Hiro Nakamura in Heroes, Hiro and Tadashi in Big Hero 6, the list goes on…

Referred to as the model minority, the stereotype includes those marginalised groups who achieve above-average socio-economic success, usually seen as smart but meek. On the surface the model minority may be seen as an innocuous and even positive stereotype and proof that racial labels can be positive as well as reaffirming the idea of meritocracy. However I feel that the stereotype is much more detrimental than it seems, for instance the assumption that Asians perform well academically places huge pressure on those students who often cannot bring themselves to ask for help even if they need it. The label becomes so internalised that they believe by not reinforcing it is equal to failure.

Another negative impact of this stereotype is that these groups often do not speak up when discriminated against due to the naturalised belief that they should not cause trouble, which can lead to massive psychological damage due to not knowing how to react in these types of situations.
I think the danger comes from the fact that it’s seen as complimentary and therefore so much easier to internalise that it becomes a matter of pride that is not easy to let go. I don’t expect this stereotype to go away anytime soon, in my opinion, it’s too ingrained, but I do hope that these marginalised groups can start to see it as nothing more than a stereotype.

1 comment:

  1. You touched on a really important point with how harmful these stereotypes can be! Hopefully shows like 'Fresh off the Boat' can show society that these stereotypes impact individuals more than people think. Sucks that people can't be represented as individuals rather than just representing a race and being formed by the stereotypes media has created, it definitely relates to how Europeans and White Americans are 'Beyond Ethnicity' since they can show their individuality through their personality and unique attributes!


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