Wednesday 18 May 2016

Azealia is at it again, but not in a good way?

So I know this has been discussed numerous times but I want to add my two cents worth of annoyance/confusion.

Azaelia Banks has recently been all over social media due to a twitter feud she basically had with herself, but which was meant for Zayn Malik. It got pretty heated pretty quickly. However, this is not the first time something along these lines has happened…

  •            Sarah Palin supposedly said, “Slavery wasn’t forced on to African-Americans, they accepted it willingly.” To which Banks absolutely lost it and began to post some pretty intense comments towards to Palin in defence of African Americans. Yet a couple of days later when she found out the statement was false, she quickly deleted the tweets.

  •           She also defended people of colour, in another feud she had with Kendrick Lamar and Lupe Fiasco with regards to Lamar's comments on police shootings in the US and the death of Michael Brown.

  •           She started a feud with Iggy Azalea over Iggy’s lyric “runaway slave master” which she claimed was inappropriate and was “cultural smudging.” She said “The message to white kids is, ‘You’re great. You’re amazing. You can do whatever you put your mind to.’ And it says to black kids, ‘You don’t have shit. You don’t own shit, not even the shit you created yourself.’”

  •            She got defensive when A$AP Rocky said dark-skinned women shouldn’t wear purple lipstick.

  •          In response to a Dolce & Gabbana collection was very visibly culturally appropriating the women modelling the outfits, she angrily tweeted, “I really hate when people do corny, racist things then try to justify it as ‘art.’ It’s all just really unnecessary. The clothes in the collection were fine without all the ‘black mammie’ imagery.”

 So what I don’t understand is; why did this feud with Zayn Malik go the way it did? She started this argument because she believed he was copying her video, it had nothing to do with race and yet she immediately began to throw a slur of racial insults his way. How can she be so switched on and aware of cultural appropriation and white privilege, and so quick to defend people of colour when someone else says/does something racist, and yet she was okay with doing just that her self? Seems like a double standard there, Azaelia. She has since apologised but how did she let it go the direction it did when that behaviour has made her so angry in the past.

I think that’s one of the really great things about this class, I feel like everyone needs to do it just to get a better understanding. I would say I was pretty clued up about what was racist and what wasn’t before I did this class, but there’s so much to learn. It’s given me a wider perspective of everything and made me super aware of things I probably wouldn’t have recognised before. I feel like that would (hopefully) be a universal thing we can take away from 210, and none of us will be getting into any racist twitter feuds in the future – unless of course you’re taking the defensive Azaelia stance and not the offensive one.  


  1. I think the double standard comes from the whole white vs people of colour idea, where all white people are one thing and all people of colour are one thing. So when she sees people appropriating culture she's very aware of it, but when she herself is being racist to someone of colour she can't see it deemed as racist because she herself is black? Not saying that it's right, just think that's why there's the distinction probably.

    Also I so agree, everyone should need to take this class and open their minds to the reality of the world!

  2. There's definitely been times where it's great that Azealia stands up for black men and women, particularly where Iggy Azalea is concerned, she is definitely appropriating black culture without paying any mind to their historical context or struggle. But there is just no excuse for the racist tirade she unleashed on Zayn Malik. There is definitely a double standard there, she needs to check herself for sure. It's terrible that she goes around calling out people for their racism and cultural appropriation (which I think is generally good that she does that, since not many others do), but then literally spouts not only racist but insanely homophobic abuse at someone.

    Her apology was also really not an apology, and she didn't acknowledge her own racism which I think is kind of despicable. She's basically saying it's okay for her to be racist to other people of colour but no one can be racist to black people. We should all be working toward no racism at all!!
    But anyway I agree with your post completely :) and this class is super amazing for broadening our perceptions of race!


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